Wednesday, January 18, 2012

debug and modify android core app ( like settings ) on eclipse, window

First of all, you need compiled AOSP( which API Level you want to use.

In my case, i'm using API 15 and vbox_x86 Env.

in your AOSP_HOME

@bgpark:ics$ . build/
@bgpark:ics$ lunch vbox_x86-eng
@bgpark:ics$ make -j12

I think you already know this one.

Select Add Library by right mouse click

and make user library with System Library check option.

add some jar files.
for example, we need 2 shared jar for Settings project.

add guava_intermediates\classes.jar by add External jar and change reference order.

now you can build without any problems.

You will need this article for run your core app with appropriate authority.

1 comment:

  1. Did you edit pure settings or create other setting program??
    If your case is first one, it sounds like that your situation is related with java language grammar or structure not platform user ID.
